Monday, November 29, 2010
paris, je t'aime
Maybe the best places are those we can both love AND hate, but fit into comfortably. This passionate love affair I have here cannot last...and I'll return home filled with the thrill of living in the midst of unimaginable beauty, but ready to settle back into life.
Friday, November 5, 2010
to be or not to be
Sunday, October 24, 2010
line 4 to clignancourt
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
come again?
Monday, October 4, 2010
sweet dream or beautiful nightmare
Monday, August 30, 2010
what's love got to do with it?
Friday, August 27, 2010
just around the riverbend
Sunday, August 15, 2010
a dog's life
Thursday, August 5, 2010
je ne sais pas pourquoi
Saturday, July 3, 2010
prime beef
1. must be medicated
2. must not be a more efficient shopper than i
3. no unsightly piercings
4. preferable if he ignores me most of the time
5. is able to use the word "perfunctory" in a sentence, but never the word "shindig"
6. i would never knowingly date a cat person
7. your taste in shoes speak louder than anything you could possibly say in defense of yourself.
8. must never wear or own anything camouflage
9. if you are at all interested in me without having to be convinced...there is obviously something wrong with you. Move on to chasing the next car.
10. None of the above rules matter if you wear glasses. I die. and then come back to life. for. glasses. it's always been a terrible weakness.
I may have been once quoted as saying "my man doesn't need a passion for something in his life...his passion should be me," but please don't let that deter you bachelors out there, I promise I am a semi-forgiving, barely-judgemental, kind individual ...to your face.
As it stands however, my precautions may lead me to a life spent alone...
Saturday, June 19, 2010
puppy chow
Saturday, June 12, 2010
case log
Exhibit A: The Bubbly Visionary. This girl has got a beautiful perspective on everything in life from the Bible to ants. Her view of the world as being her oyster gets you to thinking that hey, you're running a little low on shell fish in your life, and you might need to transform YOUR world into one of those as well. After being around Exhibit A you might feel a high sensation, and may attempt to single-handedly obtain world peace and cure cancer in 3 days. After leaving her presence and realizing that you are 20 years old and living with your parents, you might experience a little fall from that high horse you were riding. I don't know what kind of happy, go-getter drug this girl emits, but it's serious business...jump on the Lindsay band wagon and check yourself into rehab.
Exhibit B: The Mime. This guy will take specific note of your likes, reactions, and cadence and match his exactly. He then subtly redirects the conversation and you find yourself talking passionately about tea and the meaning of art like it's your job. Who's the mime now?! The subtle mind trick will make this guy look like a pure genius, and may leave you in awe and coming back for more of his rare interests that have suddenly become your own. BUT it's not that hard to tune into people's thoughts and emotions, replicate and reiterate them ever so slightly altered, until matter actually forms from the duplications. When dealing with exhibit B, you must remember to take credit for the seemingly deep discoveries that are being made. Otherwise, you will end up feeling the worst kind of violation known to us cerebrals....brain rape.
Exhibit C: The Kiss Ass. This person will agree with anything and everything you say. This dude will pull me in every time due to my overactive need to be accepted. You like manatees? NOWAY so does he and he just so happens to have read some bogus article on them 2 weeks ago where he very convieniantly can't remember any details other than that they're called sea cows. But of course you don't notice this shameless lie because you're too busy loving how he loves you and all of your glorious opinions. The point of this guy is to get you talking about yourself so that he can gush and you can come to the decision that he is incredibly intelligent and fascinating...because despite the fact that you may not realize his kiss ass techniques, you walk away with a fanastic heightened sense of self, and false feeling that someone out there "gets" you. Sorry sister, he just "gets" to fake his way into your head, heart, and pants.
Obviously my observant nature deserves that science award thing..pulitzer? newberry? ...nobel peace? I'd settle for an honorary mention at the elementary school science fair...the point is, people, BEWARE of the likeables. Proceed with caution.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
The point is, the squirrels have an instinct for danger..a little signal that says, you better get out of the way or that loud moving object will flatten you. Sometimes I wish life were as easy as that...and the signs were as clear as a truck barreling toward you at 60 mph. All you have to do is run to the side and continue your fruitless search for acorns you hid a year ago. Our dangers are much more cleverly disguised, making it that much easier to get hit...and the aftermath often feels the same as a truck to the body. But there's a special place in my heart for that little squirrel I met yesterday, despite his worthless and terrifying species, because I relate. I too am oblivious to the bad, and am too preoccupied with my acorns to notice.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
is it in my elbow?
Monday, May 24, 2010
So what gives? When men decide they need us back in their lives, many times they win. Women care too much! We want to see the best in someone (he was always so nice...when he was in a good mood...and not looking at himself in the mirror...), we hold onto our emotional attachments (ommmmg I loved how he used to text me back in a somewhat timely manner...or the time we went to the mall and he complained until I took him out to eat-it was so endearing the way his nose crinkles when he whines...), we TAKE THEM BACK. But guys--they throw us away like a used condom, and don't look back. They don't care, they never will.
But why can't I throw a rock at some dude's window and hold a boombox over my head? Why can't I decide I don't want to live without him anymore? I mean, I guess I could, but I just don't think a guy would respond to "In Your Eyes" the same way girls do.
It really doesn't matter how you look at it...we, women, will always be the ones stuck in a tower waiting for our knight to save us.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
who... me?
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Just Laverne
The machine started off pleasant enough, she welcomed me to Giant. I named her Shirley. Oh heyyyy, thank you I feel so welcome! But after scanning my seventh yogurt, Shirley got a little hostel with me, claiming I didn't place the item in the bagging area. Alright Shirls (She hates it when you call her that), I think I've been doing this whole scanning thing for 6 yogurts now, I got the hang of it, it's not that hard, i DO go to college. She was NOT happy with me, and persisted to yell at me about the yogurt which I had obviously already placed in the bagging area. Now I was drawing attention from fellow grocery shoppers. Wanting to fit in and not cause a scene, I tried to level with Shirley, making an exceptional point that if she had eyes or was an actual human being, she could plain as day see that I had followed instructions perfectly. Since she was not though, I could not blame her for the mix up. Hoping to calm her down, I placed a hand on the screen...there was a beeping and apparently I pressed a button and the ordeal was over. In the end, we parted on okay terms, Shirls and I. She thanked me for shopping there, and even reminded me not to forget the list of coupons printed out especially for me. I told her she was welcome and ran out of there... it took me almost as much time to check out than it did to shop for the stupid meal. Not to mention I was breaking a sweat and having deeper discussions with a machine than I had with a person in quite some time.
If you brave the grocery store alone, I would skip the mess and head straight to a line with personnel operating it...just don't tell Shirley.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
And just that happened. I am a natural, born hugger. My usual hug is cuddly, embrasive (not to be confused with abrasive)...and frequent. But when there is a goodbye involved, my sweet hug turns more into a death grip than anything else. I truly believe that the tighter I hold onto someone, the less likely we will actually have to say goodbye. Really the only thing that might happen is that I kill them...either with my squeeze or with the length of time it drags on...food and water are necessities, no? Maybe the longer and tighter I hug someone, they will eventually just attach onto my body and come with me.
But why do we hug??? I mean, doesn't it just make goodbye worse to have someone so near to you just to juxtapose it to the distance once we part? No matter where you travel, you will always miss someone. But if we dwelled on the missing, then we would never grow from the new people in new places. So all we can do is go with all our hearts, knowing that everyone that we've hugged goodbye is in there.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
time to move on
Monday, April 26, 2010
mull it, ponder it, don't do it
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
mourning morning
Thursday, April 15, 2010
the assembly line
Monday, April 12, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
paint by numbers
I found this entry I had written about someone who is no longer a part of my life...and even though I don't see this particular person anymore, the sentiment rings true for so many of the people who ARE in my life at this very moment:
There are people who come into your world and turn it upside down. There are people who destroy your world. Then there are those who enter your world and color it. These people are special and very rare. They give you personal space with room to breathe in everyday life, but they fill the cracks and the ordinary with new light. This person keeps a steady 3 steps behind you in case you fall, but they never interfere with your pace. They inspire your best qualities to shine on display, and make you want to reach a little farther.
When this person comes along with their paint brush and adds color to every aspect of your life with their sheer being- don't question. Don't ruin the gift by wondering what's around the next corner. Just appreciate this rare occurance for what it is-a blessing.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
"...so therefore I already did eat a whole slice, and with the 7 pieces on the sandwhich calculated in, probably a whole other slice over the duration of this lunch. Given my BMI divided by my weight multiplied by my height and added to my stomach acidity, I actually exceeded my Personal Pickle Portion for the day...you know, the good ol PPP."
I even thought that maybe I could throw in a song by that VeggieTales character that looks like a pickle as a tribute to show my devotion...until I remembered that his name is Larry and he's a cucumber...yet to be pickled.
But as I stood staring at the lonely, green vegetable deciding what to do, it was whisked away and I had no time to react. Moral: find a good home for your uneaten pickles.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
livin life in the splash zone
This morning I hit the snooze on my alarm 4 times before I even realized it was daylight. My first thoughts are that I hate my life, my bed is comfy, and should I skip class. When 7:30 rolls around I jump into panic mode which literally translates to a zombie walk to the bathroom. This particular morning I find Shelby jovially straightening her hair at the sink. Now, the sequence of events that follow are fuzzy. My memory recalls something like this:
"Shelby, darling! How are you this beautiful morning? You look radiant!"
"Aw, Skells, you are a gem!"
"Would you mind terribly if I scooted in as my class commences in 20 minutes?"
"please do!"
"Oh, lovely!"
But, I am quite positive that if we were to interview Shelby on the exchange, it would go more like this:
"Morning, Skells!"
"Pee. Now. Class. Go."
*Door slam in her face*
Back in my room I put on the clothes the self from last night layed out. This is a new trick of mine. If left to my own vices, I will walk out the door pantless with one shoe on, only to awaken at 10:30 sitting in my second class blushing deeply at my state of dress...or undress.
I swear that my 8 AM classmates must wonder how I got into college. Of course this class is all group work, and I struggle to piece together any thoughts that could be recognized as coherant let alone pertaining to a particular topic. My mind skips in monosyllabic words...food, dog, bed, shoe, why, am, i, here. I try to let my mind roam to new places...but it just stands there. As I'm coercing it to venture out into the world, I catch myself drooling. Great. How is that chick sitting across from me wearing real clothes? Why are her eyes open? What God foresaken hour did she get up to do her make up? I wipe the drool off as she shoots me a weird look. I have an urge to stand up, march to the front of the room, ask my professor to stop talking for a second and announce that I'm usually much more pulled together and drooling isn't a regular act for me...well, after 10 AM that is. DON'T JUDGE ME, GIRL WHO LOOKS PRESENTABLE!!!! I'm at a crossroads to either keep up appearances as a functioning 20 year old, or continue my discussion with my brain hoping for a multiple syllable word (food, dog, bed, shoe...why, am, I, WEARING, this--yessss success! 2 syllables!) While I reason with myself, I realize that I've missed the entire class. At least I'm still awake? But crap, I'm not wearing a bra. I'm positive no one noticed, though. Good thing I didn't jump in front of the class to plead my case, the lack of bra could have made that embarrassing.
So if you happen to catch me in the morning, take no offense if I yell at you in broken English, point at you with body parts other than my fingers, or drool on you. Maybe I should post a placard for your benefit..."before 10 AM this is a splash zone".
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
take a ride on my brain
Everyone always walks around saying "I hate hospitals" which is what we're programmed to say. What we actually mean is that we hate seeing people we love in pain and suffering, helpless on a bed. But I actually DON'T hate hospitals the more I thought about it after saying above quote expressing my negative feelings. Hospitals have a lot of good in them. Those beds adjust at a press of a button! and then there are nurses! Nurses are those brave people who clean up disgusting situations and poke much needed needles in people's arms! I faint at the thought of a needle, while these people shoot things in veins like it's brushing their teeth. Ew. the mixed reference of blood and teeth just made my stomach turn, I'm sorry about that. BUT there is such an overwhelming sense of caring going on in hospitals that you will not find at Disneyland or the beach or any other place you might call your favorite. There is also an unlimited amount of television literally right in front of your face, and meals are brought to you in bed. Okay, so you may not feel so hot and may not want to finish those meals, and they may be green blobs or brown unrecognizable creations, but it is extremely thoughtful nonetheless. And there are babies! Who does not want a baby?! well..me actually. But in theory, babies are so precious! I for one do not want to pop one of those out of my who-who anytime soon, and especially after witnessing what an epidural would look like first hand on monday night, I'm especially inclined to stay celibate with my legs firmly closed for a good long while. I for one do not have child bearing hips and my dear friend informed me that I shouldn't worry-that your hips stretch when you have kids. EXCUSE ME?? stretch!?! i don't think so. I like being straight as a 12 year old dude and I do not feel the need to have to turn sideways to fit my hips through doorways. I digress. But ah, the miracle of life! It happens in a hospital, and it's beautiful.
Next topic on my mind: parallel universes. The idea that there are infinite universes where YOU are present and doing the opposite of what you're doing here on this Earth. I really believe that I am living in one right now. Same place, same people, completely different vibe. What is going on?! How are you supposed to transition from real world to this alternate one? I'm still me, but I have to be a different kind of me in this same exact situation...so I have to pretend like I'm not me even though I am me...ya know?! It's not easy, but I should probably train myself. However, I won't adjust without some pissyness, pain, and possibly some forced pleasantness. Yes, that was alliteration...it makes the world go around, you know? Words are fantastic that way, and I hate when people don't use the full range of arsenal at their disposal to say what they need. Why say snotty when you could say lofty? or dangerous when you could say harrowing?! I find myself dumbing down to appease other people, and I'm afraid I'm slowly making myself dumber in the process. I should plow ahead using my descriptive language and not worrying about the lesser individuals who don't read or don't care about relaying their message. My message is so important, that you may need a dictionary to understand it, but that is not my problem, buy a pocket one or don't talk to me. Right?? Why am I so concerned with looking like a nerd for YOUR sake?! do you KNOW who I am????! I'm getting so worked up. I should calm back down.
Next time I will have a purpose and a better message to this blog.
Monday, February 22, 2010
pardon me
So when my trust is left on the floor and accidently or purposely stepped on, I have to find a way to realign myself and dig deep to be a bigger person....like linebacker big. Weighing in under 110 pounds, I've found it has proved difficult to stand that tall and wide. I'm still figuring out the logistics of it all (is torture an okay step in the process? can I yell? Do I break the other person down before I build them up again? WWJD? Humiliation? meh. probably not). So my path to finding peace with those in the world around me has lead me to a distinct realization. When I stop overthinking and I tune out the angry voice in my head that points fingers (and gives the finger), I can focus on my heart. I swear I'm not going to bust out into a techno song on "listening to your heart", but it's the actual truth -curse that stupid song for stealing my line. And now it's stuck in my head. But my heart is a warm and melty place, much like the asthenospherical layer of the earth, the only question on my Ocean's midterm on Wednesday that I will get right. My heart recognizes the people who are worth forgiving, and it does it of it's own accord, separate from my disagreeing brain. So when it comes down to it, forgiveness is not a conscious choice...it's not even a choice at all.
Friday, February 19, 2010
when the sky fails you
My first scenario of a glorious day is something like this: I wake up early to the sun shining in my window, and I'm energized instantly. There is a quartet serenading me as I get ready. Suddenly, it's announced that there are no classes for the day on account that it's entirely too nice outside to be in a classroom, and we are all ordered to go the beach. After the majority of the day having fun in the sun, friends and I enjoy a favorite dinner, shopping, and a movie. The entire day I have a sense that I am exactly where I want to be with whom I want to be with.
That would be a deliciously glorious day, no? It's just one of many examples I could think of, but each example shared something in common: there was something out of the ordinary and spectacular about them. They held a sense of perfection that is almost impossible to acheive. Scratch that--perfection in a day IS impossible to acheive. So I started rethinking what glorious could possibly mean to me. It hit me that today COULD be a glorious day despite the indecisiveness of the sky that I trusted so adimently to never fail me with it's rays of sunshine. Today is whatever I want it to be. I can choose to appreciate my time with my friends today as glorious, or the package I got in the mail as glorious. There are so many little things that are taken for granted in a day. When life gets rocky, there's an inclination to turn it all inward, but look around! We have today to do great things, to love others, to make new decisions, to create, to BE. That's so glorious.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
it is such a secret place, the land of tears
It's an amazing mystery to me that crying in hysterics...full on hyperventhilation mode for me personally...can have healing benefits. There's something in the uninhibited release of a physical manifestation of your emotions that can have the power to lift a weight off your mind. Crying is so basic. Babies cry as their only way of expressing their desires or needs. We pride ourselves as we grow older on our abilities to communicate so sophisticatedly, while sometimes the only way to work through our thoughts is to revert back to infancy. Talking through an issue is not a sufficient method of solving it, because a lot of times there aren't words to put to our pain-it's just there and throbbing. Antoine Saint-Exupery wrote, "it's such a secret place, the land of tears", and it IS just that. It's an extremely personal experience, making it almost impossible for others to understand the swirling, rising and falling surge of emotion behind our crying. The secrecy can keep people away...but that makes it all the better. We are constantly surrounded by our peers everyday, especially in college. We sleep, eat, study, watch tv, paint our nails, brush our teeth...do EVERYTHING in the presence of other people, and we are trained to demand "what's wrong?" when another shows their emotion. Instead of trying to describe something so complex, though, have a moment to yourself with your feelings...that's what I did tonight.
I hadn't had a real thorough cry in awhile, so today the barriers broke on the dam and a flood overtook the land. It was an ugly cry. A gasping, face scrunching, snot dripping, mascara running mess of a cry. I bawled for a solid 2 hours, and when I finally calmed down and emerged, I felt drained of energy, but also drained of all my negativity. I emerged with a brighter outlook and a peacefulness about me. I also emerged with swolen eyelids, red eyeballs, and a headache...but it feels right. So please never feel like you're too tough or too old to cry the ugly cry. I believe with all my heart that it is at the core of our sanity to release our negative energy, and what better outlet than tears?
Thursday, February 4, 2010
V-day? how about D-day.
All in all: this is the dumbest holiday ever invented. It was designed to make those without a significant other feel like a leper, and to give those WITH one an excuse to be nauseatingly cute. Maybe I'm bitter? Maybe I'm heartless and incapable of feeling the LOVE on the most commercial day of the year...maybe I'm overthinking this entire thing. BUT I'm going to make the best of the holiday, and be a loving participant.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
when i grow up...wait, that already happened
I have a long fancy title I am aiming for here at CLU--major in Communication with an emphasis in Public Relations/Advertising with a minor in French. But what does that even mean to ME? I found out the other day in my public relations class (my soon to be PROFESSION?!) that PR has two "founding fathers". The first later went on to work for Hitler, while the second began a campaign in 1929 that while once taboo, made it sexy for women to smoke. You could practically say that PR founders ran the Holocaust and gave millions lung cancer. Criminals practically! Is this what I really want? I've taken all my strengths and gathered them into a major and minor, and I'm plowing ahead like there's no tomorrow, but all the while I'm worried. I do NOT condone murderous dictatorship, so maybe that horse's butt isn't looking so bad after all...
Monday, January 25, 2010
no more snails
Thursday, January 21, 2010
30 things i love
I love when you listen to a song and you feel like they're singing about your life.
I love new shoes.
I love learning a new person.
I love waking up to someone.
I love microwaves.
I love not wearing make up.
I love the non-constricting nature of dresses (it's a secret that girls won't tell you. wearing a dress has nothing to do with being girly).
I love when you get a text and cannot stop smiling.
I love to see the sun after it's been raining for days.
I love umbrellas...no really, I have a small collection for no apparent reason.
I love driving with the windows down.
I love going home.
I love lists.
I love bendy straws.
I love waiting for a table at restaurants...it's all about the suspense.
I love mix CDs.
I love catching fireflies.
I love scent memories.
I love crunchy peanut butter 10 times more than creamy.
I love post it notes-especially multi colored.
I love sleeping in with my dog.
I love having an entire day to do nothing but read.
I love listening to music in the shower...and having a good cry at the same time.
I love taking pictures...even if they're no good.
I love people watching.
I love writing.
I love the pain you feel the day after a good work out.
I love to buy underwear.
I love lamp.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
who shot chivalry?
Saturday, January 16, 2010
we have nothing to fear but...school supplies
1. It's supposed to rain for a whole week on my return. - ok let's discuss all the aspects that are wrong with that sentence. Firstly, I signed up for Southern California NOT Seattle (no offense, i hear the people are JOVIAL). Secondly, I do not have room in my already 49.5 lb bag to bring rain boots. My shoe wear will be extremely limited, and this bothers me.
2. See above about 49.5 lb bag. - Let's hope to the big man upstairs that the airport's scale is within .5 lbs of my 10 year old bathroom scale, mmk?
3. The first day of school. - No matter my age, on the first day of class, I feel like a first grader. I'm nervous and squirmy and feel like crying for my mommy. I have already envisioned myself walking from class to class...like I might get lost on the expansive Cal Lutheran campus where I know no one. Should I buy some Elmer's Glue? Maybe a pencil box? nah. I'll stick with an assortment of cap-erasers, Lisa Frank folders, and a trapper-keeper and call it a day.
4. Greeting friends again. - okay, it's been 5 weeks, not 5 decades...but it might as well have been. Getting back into that flow of living again is always interesting. Not to mention my apprehensions that may have more to do with my sometimes untimely low self esteem than anything else...but that's another story...for another person...
5. The sheer excitement disguised as apprehension of not knowing. - Every new semester is a fresh start at the game. We've had halftime, now we're running back on the field. You never know if you're going to score (no sexual reference intended) or get nailed in the face by an elbow and end up with a black eye for a week or worse. Ya get back out there and give it everything you have despite the dangers. Every semester has brought detrimentally terrible events, but has also brought some of the most memorable times of my life. The not knowing which will strike when, gives me a swirling feeling in my stomach. But with a little help from my friends, I think I'm ready.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
"Miss Caitlin, guess what? I didn't wet myself during nap today!"
"Miss Caitlin, I hafta tell you something. How long is an hour?"
No matter that this was a question rather than a statement, I answer, "As long as an episode of Sesame Street."
"Oh. I like hours," comes the response.
Entering the classroom everyday is an adventure.
At recess, little Annabelle is clinging to me-her face buried in my chest, her tears soaking my shirt, and a look of fear and betrayel reflected in her eyes. Her best friend has snatched her toy and pushed her. This is the first of many heartbreaks to come today, but I am here to appease her, to punish the oppressor, to be her comfort and safety.
Saturday morning comes and I find myself calling BINGO at the Barbara Egens Nursing and Rehab Center.
"B-4," I yell as loudly as I can to the room of elderly residents sitting before me. Suddenly, the man seated next to me is awakened and yells, "Before what?"
I try to stifle a laugh as I lean over to him and sort out his card. Volunteering most Saturdays since my freshman year of high school, I have grown to have a great respect for the elderly. There is the man who insists on speaking to me in Japanese because he wants me to learn the language that he learned fighting in World War II, while another shares his wisdom by informing me step by step the proper way to behead and prepare a chicken. Then there are others who cannot speak, but their gratitude for my just sitting with them is reflected in their eyes. I love listening to stories of their past or of their children, and though most of them are bedridden, there is still a strong willingness to learn and be heard.
Having the opportunity to work with both of these age groups has brought me insight and valuable experience. From being with the preschoolers I am reminded that the simple aspects in life are to be noticed and celebrated. Children have a way of finding excitement and wonder in the everyday; I want to live and seek out the same enthusiasm in life.
The elderly have ultimately taught me to live life to its fullest and take chances. I have learned that true love really can last a lifetime, which is evident in the couple that still holds hands at BINGO, and if one should fall asleep, the other plays his or her card. But mostly I have learned that thought these people have grown and matured and experienced many things both joyous and heartbreaking, they have the same soul they did at 17. We are all not that different.
These are my middle years and experiences with both ends of the cycle of life have helped me make decisions in how I want to live these days with passion and constant questions. No matter our age, as humans we have the same desires to have close interaction with others and to continue to grow everyday as people. It has been a great joy for me to be apart of all these peoples' lives. I am happy to be a form of comfort to them and to learn through them. My hope is that someday there will be someone listening to the stories of my life. From my days of pretending to be "Harriet the Spy" at the age of 7 to swimming under the Pont du Gard in Nimes at age 17, and all the memories I create, I hope to share my wisdom and tales as well. Someday.
Monday, January 4, 2010
open wide
Once in THE CHAIR I start to feel my entire body involuntarily tense. On any normal circumstances, this chair might be a fine piece of relaxing furniture for lounging, but the way my head fits perfectly into the grooved headrest only brings foreboding. My hygenist turns on the overhead lamp and I have a sudden urgency to shout "I DIDN'T DO IT!" ...or at least fess up to never flossing. I think they do that on purpose. They always ask, have you had any problems with your teeth recently? "well now that you mention it, my incisor has been slacking on the job and I just can't seem to talk any sense into him." No. No problems. Next question is always, "any trouble flossing?" Okay, why don't you just come out and say it. You know I haven't been flossing! Who has time to floss everyday?! It hurts! My gums bleed and I do not buy that load they feed you about it getting easier over time. But today I answer, "nope, no trouble." Because I really haven't had any trouble with flossing...because I don't do it.
When asked what flavor "polish" I want, I stick to my usual mint-the only option that doesn't instigate a gag reflex. She hands me a pair of goggles that make me question my safety, and so begins the cleaning. Do you ever wonder why it's gritty? Is that entirely necessary? The grit evokes a physical response in me much like finger nails on a chalk board, and I'm slightly relieved when my focus is shifted and the hygienist starts talking to me. The only problem is that this conversation quickly turns into 20 questions--further driving home the air of an instigation. Surely I would love to tell this woman all about my college experience and future plans, but her hands are halfway down my throat, and I'm having a hard time breathing, let alone orating on my life story. When she realizes this, she pulls her hands out and I end up spitting my "polish" all over the place while trying to say "California". I now see the importance of the goggles.
I'm happy to report that I escaped the place within an inch of my life, but with shiny teeth. Six months will come too soon.