Monday, August 30, 2010

what's love got to do with it?

There's this website called that I use everyday. The premise is that the website gives you one word, and you have 60 seconds to write whatever comes to your mind about that word. Everyday is a new one, and by the end of your writing sesh, it posts your blurb and you can read through other people's one minute surge of thought. I suggest this because: The most unexpectedly beautiful things can come from your head when you don't think and just do. I promise, you'll surprise yourself with what comes out.

But what really amazes me is reading everyone else's posts. The word one day was possible. Another day it was cheek. Another was seconds. The commonality between every 60 second brain splat was the subject of love. Everyone managed to turn the word possible into a heartfelt love note, both happy and sad. It's amazing how consumed we are on the matter. I myself am guilty of wondering at it's existence at all, but then you see 85 pages of 4 sentence rants about a final goodbye, a first kiss, a moment when the world evaporated and only two people were left...and somehow the word of the day was pencil??? You can't help but realize that no matter how much you deny it's existence, this love thing is inescapable. It's bringing with it heartbreak and happiness, but mostly the power to consume our entire being so completely that we can't see a single word that doesn't make us feel it.

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