Monday, April 26, 2010

mull it, ponder it, don't do it

A wise woman brought it my attention something that I was already thinking. But sometimes you don't even realize what you're thinking until someone tells you! Anyway, this ravishing female told me that there's too much in the world to think about, so there's not enough time for homework. I whole-heartedly agree. As I told her, at that very moment I was thinking of painting my nails. Of course I'm not actually going to paint my nails, that requires energy and emotional as well as physical exertion that I'm ill prepared for. The color choice! What does one connotate over another? What do I want to stare at for the next week on my hands (a body part I use almost as frequently as my mouth)? Then I have to take off the existing polish...always a strenuous task. I forget my thumbs every time and am forced to double back which involves reopening the remover and grabbing yet another cotton ball. What if I make a mess of my hands? What if after all my hard work I forget and grab some chips and ruin them?! There are so many variables that I cannot wrap my head around that I'd prefer to just ponder the idea.

Tomorrow, as the smart woman told me....all the thoughts turn into possible maybes. Yes, I see that. Tomorrow I will pick up a cotton ball, and put it down. I might look at my color selection and finally choose one. I might even start to complain about the current state of my nails as a way to urge myself into finally doing the dreaded task.

Other equally worldly thoughts on my mind: girls: saran wrap or cling free dryer sheets-why most are the former in relationships and why, how awesome it would be to have a monkey named winston and dress him in suit for all occasions, why Australians like Vegemite (see? international), and most importantly why everyone in the world can open their eyes under water and I physically am incapable.

Take some time to mull it over, people....all the "its" your brain can muster!

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