Tuesday, April 20, 2010

mourning morning

I spent the day in bed. I wallowed and I slept and I let myself sink down into the mattress and not worry about the crap that I was missing in my Women in Religion class taught by a flighty professor who has nothing better to do than make "Joy to the World" into a sexual experience. It was raining out today, which was so apropos, that it could not have been a better morning for wallowing. We all need these days of reflection to take a break from running, and let pain finally overtake us. Who are we kidding? Pain is a Kenyan. Pain will always lap us, so why sprint until an asthma attack, tricking ourselves into thinking it won't?
Some days you just need to feel every pin that the world has stuck in the voodoo doll version of yourself in order to mentally take those pins out. Even if you can't heal yourself, it's okay to block out the noise and listen to the only person that matters-you. At the end of the day, as much as I wish someone could, no one can make it better like I can. So I spent the day in bed with myself, to listen and learn like I so diligently do for everyone else in my life.
If you feel overwhelmed, I highly suggest this tactic.

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